MY Polymers

MY-149: Optical Coating / Adhesive

MY-149 is a low refractive index UV curable coating/recoating/adhesive. This is a low-modulus flexible adhesive with excellent adhesion to glass, metals, ceramics, and most plastics.  It is characterized by a high plasticity, which minimizes any stress created by the shrinkage that accompanies UV polymerization.

MY-149 is a soft polymer. It is expected to keep its high adhesion at least over the temperature range -20C° to + 100C°.



  Liquid state
RI liquid at 589 nm 1.470
Density, g/cm3 1.04
Viscosity, cps @ 25°C 1000
  Cured state
RI (cured) at 589 nm 1.490
RI (cured) at 950 nm 1.483
Adhesion to glass, 90° Peel, g/cm 600
Elastic modulus, MPa 4.6
Tensile Strength, MPa 1.3
Elongation at Break, % 370
Hardness, Shore A NA

The product is supplied pre-filtered to below 1 micron particles.



  1. Avoid unnecessary exposure to ambient light and moisture.
  2. Long-term storage should be at ambient conditions of 10-30ºC.
  3. The coating is supplied in glass bottles. Keep the container closed to avoid moisture penetration.
  4. The shelf life is 12 months.


Curing can be achieved by any source of UV at 300-400nm. Typically, a dose of 1000-2000 mJ/cm2 is necessary.

To prevent tackiness on exposed surfaces, it is recommended to cure in an inert atmosphere (e.g. under nitrogen). There is no need for an inert atmosphere when curing between two layers or in a mold (more on inert curing on the Technical Support page on our website).

Keep the bottle closed at all times when not in use. The material is sensitive to light.

Safety: Refer to the SDS


Note: The above information is believed to be reliable, but it is not to be taken as a representation, warranty, or guarantee. Customers should perform their own QC, QA, and evaluation tests.


Updated: November 28, 2019